1994 被美国 [读者文摘](亚洲版)评为“今日英雄”
1995 获中国国际交流协会及中国青少年基金会颁发的“展望奖”
1996 被中国妇女报评选为“十大女性新闻人物”之一
1998 代表“星星雨”赴卢森堡参加“世界孤独症组织”成立大会,并作为创始成员签字
2004 获美国“心灵之春”颁发的“特殊教育奖”
2008 获加拿大宋庆龄儿童基金会“为了儿童奖”
2008 “星星雨”首批当选中国红十字会计划李连杰壹基金典范工程奖
2013 获中华少年儿童慈善救助基金会“慈善贡献奖”
2014 获北京市朝阳区精神文明建设委员会的2013朝阳区“身边好人”的荣誉称号
2014 “星星雨”荣获中国公益节 2013年最佳公益组织奖
2019 “星星雨”荣获中华儿慈会九九公益日守护奖项
Beijing Stars and Rain Education Institute for Autism:
This is an education institution serving special children. With insufficient support from governmental and social resources, the Institute’s development needs are met by mercerized innovations to ensure its health and sustainable growth. By adhering to specialized and standardized service and promoting superior organizational culture, it has become the industry leader and established nationwide self-disciplined alliance of professional service providers that is unique in China. The path taken by the Institute leads to the future of Chinese social enterprises, and is a model of innovation to be followed for the non-profit welfare sector.
Words of 2008 Philanthropy Grant of Jet Li One Foundation